**Returning to normal hours April 6th – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10 to 3

Memorial Day Flowers

Memorial Day is May 31st. The Brown County Genealogical Society will be having our Memorial Day flower fund raiser. We (volunteers from the society) will place flowers on your ancestor’s grave in Brown County, for a donation. It is $10 per cemetery for one grave/headstone and $1 for each additional grave/headstone in that same cemetery. We have a number of nice flower arrangements that have been donated by members. Please be sure to tell us which cemetery your ancestor is in and if you know, a brief description of the headstone/grave marker as well as location in the cemetery (if you don’t know it is not a problem we have many maps and we should be able to find it.)

Garage Sale!

                The Brown County Genealogical Society board has decided to participate in the Hiawatha City wide garage sales on April 30th 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and May 1st 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. as a fund raiser. We are looking for your “junk” to become someone else’s treasurers! We are only asking no clothing donations. We will begin accepting donations beginning April 6th at the genealogy library. We will at that time return to normal hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 to 3. If you need a different time to drop off donations let us know and we will figure out a time.

Santa’s Attic!

            I am pleased to announce that as of now we planning on having Santa’s Attic. The date is set for November 6th at the Hiawatha High School in the commons and hallways.